State Management
Nuxt provides the useState
composable to create a reactive and SSR-friendly shared state across components.
is an SSR-friendly ref
replacement. Its value will be preserved after server-side rendering (during client-side hydration) and shared across all components using a unique key.
will be serialized to JSON, it is important that it does not contain anything that cannot be serialized, such as classes, functions or symbols.Best Practices
const state = ref()
outside of <script setup>
or setup()
function.For example, doing
export myState = ref({})
would result in state shared across requests on the server and can lead to memory leaks.const useX = () => useState('x')
Basic Usage
In this example, we use a component-local counter state. Any other component that uses useState('counter')
shares the same reactive state.
<script setup lang="ts">
const counter = useState('counter', () => Math.round(Math.random() * 1000))
Counter: {{ counter }}
<button @click="counter++">
<button @click="counter--">
util.Initializing State
Most of the time, you will want to initialize your state with data that resolves asynchronously. You can use the app.vue
component with the callOnce
util to do so.
<script setup lang="ts">
const websiteConfig = useState('config')
await callOnce(async () => {
websiteConfig.value = await $fetch('')
action in Nuxt 2, which allows filling the initial state of your store server-side before rendering the page.Usage with Pinia
In this example, we leverage the Pinia module to create a global store and use it across the app.
npx nuxi@latest module add pinia
or follow the module's installation steps.export const useWebsiteStore = defineStore('websiteStore', {
state: () => ({
name: '',
description: ''
actions: {
async fetch() {
const infos = await $fetch('') =
this.description = infos.description
<script setup lang="ts">
const website = useWebsiteStore()
await callOnce(website.fetch)
<h1>{{ }}</h1>
<p>{{ website.description }}</p>
Advanced Usage
import type { Ref } from 'vue'
export const useLocale = () => {
return useState<string>('locale', () => useDefaultLocale().value)
export const useDefaultLocale = (fallback = 'en-US') => {
const locale = ref(fallback)
if (import.meta.server) {
const reqLocale = useRequestHeaders()['accept-language']?.split(',')[0]
if (reqLocale) {
locale.value = reqLocale
} else if (import.meta.client) {
const navLang = navigator.language
if (navLang) {
locale.value = navLang
return locale
export const useLocales = () => {
const locale = useLocale()
const locales = ref([
if (!locales.value.includes(locale.value)) {
return locales
export const useLocaleDate = (date: Ref<Date> | Date, locale = useLocale()) => {
return computed(() => new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale.value, { dateStyle: 'full' }).format(unref(date)))
<script setup lang="ts">
const locales = useLocales()
const locale = useLocale()
const date = useLocaleDate(new Date('2016-10-26'))
<h1>Nuxt birthday</h1>
<p>{{ date }}</p>
<label for="locale-chooser">Preview a different locale</label>
<select id="locale-chooser" v-model="locale">
<option v-for="locale of locales" :key="locale" :value="locale">
{{ locale }}
Shared State
By using auto-imported composables we can define global type-safe states and import them across the app.
export const useColor = () => useState<string>('color', () => 'pink')
<script setup lang="ts">
// ---cut-start---
const useColor = () => useState<string>('color', () => 'pink')
// ---cut-end---
const color = useColor() // Same as useState('color')
<p>Current color: {{ color }}</p>
Using third-party libraries
Nuxt used to rely on the Vuex library to provide global state management. If you are migrating from Nuxt 2, please head to the migration guide.
Nuxt is not opinionated about state management, so feel free to choose the right solution for your needs. There are multiple integrations with the most popular state management libraries, including: