Build faster with 265+ Nuxt Modules

Discover our list of modules to supercharge your Nuxt project. Created and maintained by more than 1664 people from the Nuxt team and community.
The Vue Store that you will enjoy using
Configurable persistence and rehydration of Pinia stores.
i18n features for your Nuxt project so you can easily add internationalization.
Device detection module for Nuxt
MDC supercharges regular Markdown to write documents interacting deeply with any Vue component.
Define custom viewports for your Nuxt project
Simple social sharing for your Nuxt Sites
A highly configurable cookie banner for Nuxt.
Safely render local dates and times on the server with Nuxt
Explore more macros and syntax sugar to Vue.
I18n Micro is a fast, simple, and lightweight internationalization (i18n) module.
Zero-boilerplate PDF exports of your Pages and Components
The smart data fetching layer for Pinia
Adds email sending capability to a Nuxt.js app. Adds a server route, an injected variable, and uses nodemailer to send emails.
Calendly is a scheduling tool that allows you to schedule meetings with your customers. This module allows you to easily add Calendly to your Nuxt application.
Nuxt integration for nodemailer
Nuxt module for integrating with cookie consent providers with ease
The Pinia plugin to enable Object-Relational Mapping access to the Pinia Store.