Our development allows us to achieve more with our clients' fewer resources and optimize their expenses
Yerevan, Armenia - California, USA

Welcome to DigiNeat — a modern digital agency that always stays up-to-date with the times. We are proud to have representations in Armenia and the USA, allowing us to effectively collaborate with clients worldwide.

Our Services

We specialize in developing:

  • Websites and mobile applications: We create attractive and functional solutions that meet any business needs.
  • Smart TV applications: We offer innovative solutions for television platforms to make entertainment even more accessible.
  • PC software: We develop powerful and reliable applications for all necessary tasks.

Why We Choose NUXT

We have been using Nuxt as one of the leading solutions in our projects — from websites to smart TV applications. Our team is thrilled to be among the official agencies representing this company. Nuxt enables us to create high-quality and efficient applications with minimal time and resource investment. Learn more about why we choose Nuxt.

Focus on Quality

For us, our clients' tasks and deadlines are a priority. By utilizing advanced technologies and an AI-first approach, we achieve more while spending less. Our cost-effective process optimization has saved our clients millions of dollars.

Open to Collaboration

We are always ready for new opportunities and open to collaboration. We welcome all interested parties to work with us on joint projects.

Contact us, and let’s create the future of digital technology together!