
Use the shared/ directory to share functionality between the Vue app and the Nitro server.

The shared/ directory allows you to share code that can be used in both the Vue app and the Nitro server.

The shared/ directory is available in Nuxt v3.14+.
Code in the shared/ directory cannot import any Vue or Nitro code.
Auto-imports are not enabled by default in Nuxt v3 to prevent breaking changes in existing projects.To use these auto-imported utils and types, you must first set future.compatibilityVersion: 4 in your nuxt.config.ts.


Method 1: Named export

export const capitalize = (input: string) => {
  return input[0] ? input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1) : ''

Method 2: Default export

export default function (input: string) {
  return input[0] ? input[0].toUpperCase() + input.slice(1) : ''

You can now use auto-imported utilities in your Nuxt app and server/ directory.

<script setup lang="ts">
const hello = capitalize('hello')

    {{ hello }}
export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
  return {
    hello: capitalize('hello')

How Files Are Scanned

Only files in the shared/utils/ and shared/types/ directories will be auto-imported. Files nested within subdirectories of these directories will not be auto-imported unless you add these directories to imports.dirs and nitro.imports.dirs.

The way shared/utils and shared/types auto-imports work and are scanned is identical to the composables/ and utils/ directories.
Read more in Docs > Guide > Directory Structure > Composables#how Files Are Scanned.
Directory Structure
-| shared/
---| capitalize.ts        # Not auto-imported
---| formatters
-----| lower.ts           # Not auto-imported
---| utils/
-----| lower.ts           # Auto-imported
-----| formatters
-------| upper.ts         # Not auto-imported
---| types/
-----| bar.d.ts           # Auto-imported

Any other files you create in the shared/ folder must be manually imported using the #shared alias (automatically configured by Nuxt):

// For files directly in the shared directory
import capitalize from '#shared/capitalize'

// For files in nested directories
import lower from '#shared/formatters/lower'

// For files nested in a folder within utils
import upper from '#shared/utils/formatters/upper'

This alias ensures consistent imports across your application, regardless of the importing file's location.

Read more in Docs > Guide > Concepts > Auto Imports.