
addRouteMiddleware() is a helper function to dynamically add middleware in your application.
Route middleware are navigation guards stored in the middleware/ directory of your Nuxt application (unless set otherwise).


function addRouteMiddleware (name: string, middleware: RouteMiddleware, options?: AddRouteMiddlewareOptions): void
function addRouteMiddleware (middleware: RouteMiddleware): void

interface AddRouteMiddlewareOptions {
  global?: boolean



  • Type: string | RouteMiddleware

Can be either a string or a function of type RouteMiddleware. Function takes the next route to as the first argument and the current route from as the second argument, both of which are Vue route objects.

Learn more about available properties of route objects.


  • Type: RouteMiddleware

The second argument is a function of type RouteMiddleware. Same as above, it provides to and from route objects. It becomes optional if the first argument in addRouteMiddleware() is already passed as a function.


  • Type: AddRouteMiddlewareOptions

An optional options argument lets you set the value of global to true to indicate whether the router middleware is global or not (set to false by default).


Named Route Middleware

Named route middleware is defined by providing a string as the first argument and a function as the second:

export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => {
  addRouteMiddleware('named-middleware', () => {
    console.log('named middleware added in Nuxt plugin')

When defined in a plugin, it overrides any existing middleware of the same name located in the middleware/ directory.

Global Route Middleware

Global route middleware can be defined in two ways:

  • Pass a function directly as the first argument without a name. It will automatically be treated as global middleware and applied on every route change.
    export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => {
      addRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
        console.log('anonymous global middleware that runs on every route change')
  • Set an optional, third argument { global: true } to indicate whether the route middleware is global.
    export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => {
      addRouteMiddleware('global-middleware', (to, from) => {
          console.log('global middleware that runs on every route change')
        { global: true }